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UX Design | App

Project Overview

[*conceptual project*]

project summary - conceptual project.png
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An in-depth overview of my Google UX Design Certificate project to demonstrate my understanding of common UX Design principles:

Bona Casa App

Bona Casa App

FInalBONALOGOredwhite transparent.png
User Research, Personas, & Journey Maps

User Research, Personas, & Journey Maps


Project:  Conduct User Persona interviews and create 2 User Personas to guide the project. Items indicated in red will be the focus of the app's first iteration.  

User Persona - Denise copy.png
User Persona - jonathan copy.png

User Journey Map

Conclusions from Exploration User Study

Paper Wireframing

Paper Wireframing

Project:  Create 6 different wireframes of the same app screen, then choose only the best elements to include in the final digital wireframe. 

Wireframing resulted in this Final Version of the Home Screen.

Digital Wireframing

Digital Wireframing

Resolving Denise's Pain Points:​

  1.  Would like to be able to order online to avoid having to talk to people

  2.  Frustrated that online menus are not labeled Gluten-free

  3.  Needs a reminder to leave a tip so she doesn't accidentally forget!

"Order Now" Button allows users to order digitally. 

Food allergen "Filter by" menu allows users select common food allergens and only be shown dishes that are safe for them to eat. 

Checkout process automatically prompts user to add a tip, defaulting to a standard 20% option in order to benefit restaurant employees. 

Resolving Jonathan's Pain Points:​

  1.  Does not like to have to remember a password.

  2.  Wants to place orders efficiently and receive confirmation of pick-up time to minimize time away from work. 

  3.  Doesn't like providing CC number, prefers digital payments such as ApplePay.

"Sign in with Fingerprint" button allows users who have previously created an account to login with their fingerprint, bypassing the need to remember their password and giving user feeling of security in the app.

"Schedule Order" screen allows user to place their order for a specific date & pick-up time so they don't waste unnecessary time waiting for their orders to be ready.

Order Confirmation page confirms the Date & Time of order placed for complete transparency. 

"Payment Method" screen allows user to pay with their choice of Credit Card, ApplePay, or GooglePay; whichever feels most secure to them. 

Project:  Create digital wireframes for the Bona Casa App that solves the pain points of previously established User Personas. 

Low-Fi Prototype

Low Fidelity Prototype

1st Usability Study & Presentation to Stakeholders

1st Usability Study & Presentation to Stakeholders

THEME 1 - Button actions unclear

problem 4b.png

Project:  Determine whether the first iteration of the login process, ordering process, food allergen identification, and ability to pay via non-credit card method are easy to accomplish. Update designs based on findings, and provide suggestions for next steps. 
Participants:  5 Total. 3 male, 2 female. 1 member of LGBTQ community. 2 with gluten-intolerance. 2 are of retirement age (a prevalent demographic of the restaurant). 

THEME 2 - Button verbiage too wordy

THEME 3 - Difficulty finding food allergen information

THEME 4 - Reduce unnecessary clicks



Establish Bona Casa App Palette

Establish Bona Casa App Palette for Hi-Fi Mockups

bona casa palette - naked.png

Typeface:  Gotham Book, Gotham Bold, & Cochin

Select Elements & Components from Sticker Sheet

Hi-Fi Prototype

High Fidelity Prototype

2nd Usability Study

2nd Usability Study

THEME 1 - Visibility of "Filter by" and "Jump to" menus

mockups 1.png

THEME 2 - Adding mutiples

mockups 2a.png
mockups 2b.png

THEME 3 - Transparency on Tip Totals

mockups 3.png

THEME 4 - Improve visual accessibility

mockups 4.png

THEME 5 - Lack of detail on Confirmation screen

mockups 5.png


Reminder of pain points discovered in research

mockups additional.png



Project:  Determine whether the first iteration of the login process, ordering process, food allergen identification, and ability to pay via non-credit card method are easy to accomplish. Update designs based on findings, and provide suggestions for next steps. 
Participants:  5 Total. 3 male, 2 female. 1 member of LGBTQ community. 2 with gluten-intolerance. 2 are of retirement age (a prevalent demographic of the restaurant). 

Conclusions & Takeaways


closing statement 3.png
closing statement 4 -  takeaways.png
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